Monday, July 12, 2010

Wondrous Works

I just have to say that this past week was the most wonderful, fun, and stretching time that I've had this whole summer! I absolutely enjoyed the privelidge to build relationships with the girls in my cabin. (All TEN of them :-) Each one was a special blessing to me in a particular way. 

I don't have a ton of time to write today, because I have to start making tracks up to camp to get in gear for Red Cliff Teen Week 2! But I'll leave you with this one incredible story of how the Lord answers prayer.... 

Ya see, I have never had the chance to actually BE there when someone prays to ask God to save them. So all summer long I've been praying for the opportunity to lead someone to the Lord in salvation. And He finally answered, in a way that I hadn't expected... 
On Wednesday afternoon of camp, I started chatting with the girls one on one to see where they were at in their spiritual lives. 
     I hadn't planned on a talk with Sierra, but she begged to be next, so we went out to the picnic table near the cabin. We didn't get into anything too deep, just enjoyed the sunshine while we talked about where she is from and what her family and friends are like. 

Then later that night, while Pastor Huffman was preaching on Joseph, she handed me a note that said, "Can I talk with you after the service? Bring your Bible. -Sierra." I wrote back and said, "Sure, that sounds great. I'll catch you afterwards." Having no idea what it could be about, and assuming so far that she had already been saved before. 
But the instant the invitation song was played she was out of her chair and coming back to find me. "I've been putting this off for too long," she told me. She knew that her friend Anna wanted her to get saved, and she had been trying to prolong it til she could talk with her pastor's wife. But that night, God spoke to her in a special way, and her conscience could rest no longer. She HAD to do it that night! 

And God in His goodness, allowed me to be the one to lead her through some verses and have the pleasure of listening to her call out to her Creator for salvation. It was such a sweet moment that I am grateful to have been a part of. 

I would greatly appreciate if you would pray for Sierra as she goes back home and tells her family what she has done, as well as that she would keep growing in the Lord! He works mightily in hearts an lives, and I am soo pumped to see how He's going to do it THIS week as I work with His precious junior high girls once again. 

".... Sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you." Joshua 3:5 


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