Monday, September 12, 2011

I Am Thankful

Okay, so I've had tons of things on my mind to write about lately. Not deep, oppressive stuff, just the everyday stuff of the life that I appreciate so much!
And since I don't have time to sit and cover one of the topics, (let alone all of the things that I have been gleaning from the Word, and learning from life experience, and mulling over from good classes!!) I will instead just share with you something that I wrote side by side with a couple of other friends last week.
* I know, I know, it's another LIST.... ;-)

I Am Thankful:

- The gift of health and that I am the way God made me specifically
- The gift of weakness that grows my trust in the Almighty One
- Olive Garden :-)
- Being able to work with the kids at my job (they are so precious, and they keep me entertained!)
- Mom and Dad. I love them. Enough said.
- My amazing brothers
- Hope in every situation, no matter how dark it looks
- Warm sunshine, even this far into September
- Not having to earn God's love

Are there things you're thankful for that you didn't even know you HAD?? Jot it down. You'll be surprised how much you find in life that is an "I love you" directly from God's heart to yours.
Have you thanked Him yet today for dying on the cross and taking your sins? Hmm, how many days do I go without doing that? And boy, how worthy He is of all the thanks and the praise that we can possibly lavish upon Him!

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Thanks for sharing with me!