Sunday, December 11, 2011

So This Is What Break Feels Like....

It's so nice to be home.

It's Sunday night, with the lights dimmed in the living room. Mom and Wesley are reading a book together, I am here on the couch (blogging unashamedly with no homework over my head, I might add), Jer is working on his online class down by my feet, and dad is in the chair across the way looking over some sort of records from his office.

The whole family in one room. It's not very often that happens. And, as Jeremy mentioned in his prayer before breakfast the other day, "We don't know how many more times we will have this." I am certainly enjoying it while I can!

Yesterday was the first full day of Christmas break. It was such a wonderful time, I thought I'd take a moment to document the highlights....

* Spent time with the Lord before I even left my room in the morning (that way there was no opportunity for my thoughts to get intercepted with all the happenings of the day. :-)
Listening to the different Doctrines during our oral testings at school inspired me to do a study of Hebrews. It seemed that we kept coming back to that book and there are some deep and beautiful truths to be sifted through in it. I only made it through 4 verses that first day because I had to take it all in....
The author of Hebrews describes Jesus Christ as "the radiance of the glory of God" which is awesomely true, but couldn't be solely used to prove His deity.
As a Christian, I "radiate" God's glory too... But the verses go on to say that Jesus is "the exact imprint of His nature." While I am made in the image of God, I certainly do not have His nature. Jesus was GOD, with a human body willingly added on Himself. Because He loves me THAT MUCH.

* Made pancakes for the family.

* Ate pancakes with the family!

* Read about half of the book, "Who is my Shelter?" by Neta Jackson. For being a book I picked up out of the blue from the library, it is turning out to be a pretty good one! My favorite thing about it is that it puts me in this other world of the woman who is the main character. She is living in the Chicago area and starting a homeless shelter for women and children who are in the same situation she once found herself. Because I can hear all her thoughts through the pages of the book, I can so easily identify with her. I don't view Gabby as the same personality I have, but she definitely has the same human fears, joys, and struggles I have. I don't really know how to describe it, but I have enjoyed the read thus far.
I think I'm just enjoying the fact that I am reading and it's not for an assignment! :-)

* Played some basketball outside with Wes. He is getting really good! I actually have to start TRYING in order to beat him ;-) lol Good thing he doesn't read this blog or I'd get a poke and a "hey!" from him....

* Had some hot chocolate and put together a Garfield puzzle with Wesley.

* Unpacked, organized, and decorated my entire room (because this is going to be my home- base for an unsure amount of time in the future!) And considering how long it took to accomplish the task, I feel like the tribute to it should be longer on my blog. I guess I could show you some pictures of it.

* Enjoyed a meal of home-cooked spaghetti - once again, with the whole family :-)

* Settled in to read some more and listen to my most uplifting playlist... All of the songs are by Andrew Peterson. I highly suggest that you look him up on your favorite free-listening venue on the internet (grooveshark, pandora, lastfm, etc). Andrew Peterson music is unlike anything I've ever heard before in the fact that he is this awesome combination of a Biblical viewpoint coupled with unique, artistic songs. The best way I could say it is that he sings with an eternal perspective. A vast majority of his songs cause me to anticipate my heavenly home and could be characterized by II Corinthians 4:16-18. Here are a couple of the ones that especially touched me yesterday. I really hope you can look it up and be blessed by his songs as much as I have been!


  1. I remember how nice it was to go home for Christmas break! I was going to ask you about Africa at church and forgot (I was also thinking there would be one more week for some reason). Have a great time with your family! Life does change quickly! The last Christmas before I got married was super special, one of my top Christmas' :o)

  2. Hi Janell, Thanks for stopping by my blog. Melanie told me about you too. It's great that you'll be doing your student teaching here, though I'm not sure just where Bethesda is (which province??)

    Looking forward to getting to know you through your blog,


  3. Love the room pics.. that big easy chair looks so comfy! :-D

    Miss you! :-)



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