Saturday, February 18, 2012

"Christianese" in Action

God, I want to get so much closer to you than I am.

Do you mean that?

Um, I think I do.

Thank you for your honesty frail child of dust.
You know three specific things I showed you this week that are standing between you and further growth toward me.
If you really mean this desire you speak of, then you will correct these things you are willingly choosing to struggle with. Don't worry; I will help you....

(You know how it's easy to say things that sound like the right thing to say when you're talking with God? Those phrases that Christians use because they've used them so many times before and they sound nice.

Well, they mean nothing without action behind them. Listen carefully for phrases like that in your Christian walk, and then consider what ways your life would change if you truly mean what you said.)

At least, this was God's rebuke to me today.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing and evoking thought and prayer!


    Stapler’s Strategies for Sizzlin' Second Graders!

  2. Wow yeah this is very convicting! Thank you for sharing!

    Also, I tagged you on my blog and would love it if you checked it out :)


Thanks for sharing with me!