Okay, so I knew this would happen just when I decided to write every day! Yesterday was such a busy day - I ended up going straight from one thing to the next. Granted, not all of those things were "required," some were strictly having an opportunity presented to have a good time. And it was definitely a very great day!
After class I wrote a math lesson plan to teach to the kindergarten class that I'm observing with on Monday. It's going to be a picnic theme! Thus, my things to do today is to go and buy some sort of basket and to cut out different food shapes that we can count.
These kids are from a rough section of town, more on the poor side and more in the city, so I doubt that many of them have ever BEEN on a picnic. I hope they all know what one is though! lol Hopefully that will make it all the more fun to go on a (silent, indoors) picnic for the first time. :-)
Then after work yesterday Erin invited me to watch "Ramona and Beezus" (pretty much the cutest movie known to mankind). I love the emphasis on strong family ties. You just don't see that as much nowdays in Hollywood, so it was refreshing to see a movie so artsy, imaginative, and family-oriented.
God ordained the family unit and as a Christian I love so much to see families that are strong and thriving! (along with lots of character and quirkiness.) No two people are alike; why should families be?
I'm so blessed to be in the awesome family where God placed me. AND this time next week I will be hanging out with them! I'm so looking forward to that.
The movie was over just in time for us to move on to recreational soccer. And even through the little, temperal act of playing the game, I learned something last night. When one of the guys scored a goal, I complimented him on it, and he said something that completely took me aback. "Praise God. It was fun." That's it. That's all he said.
No explanation of what he did to score, or show of greatness that HE had made a goal. I've heard plenty of people say "God be praised" when they sing a solo in church or preach a sermon, but on the soccer field?
Yes, on the soccer field. That's the place where it's easiest to scramble for the glory for myself; I think that field is my weakness. Too often I play my hardest because of the few seconds that thrill me after I score, or the attention that comes when I block a ball (especially a guy's ball.) But that's not what it should be about. Literally everything in my life should be about stock-piling glory for my Savior.
That simple reminder was a rebuke to me. Play for God or get off the field.
"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do ALL to the glory of GOD."
Pride is the first of the seven deadly sins, condemned by God over and over again in the Scripture. Why would I let myself continually be filled the brim with it? Why would I even let a little ounce of it sneak in? God hates it with a loathing disgust because only He is the one who is worthy to receive the glory!
What is it in your life that is robbing God of the glory that He deserves? I'm finding that I have no good on my own. All that I am, and all I have comes from Him. How can I boast in ANYthing, save the cross of my Saviour? If I do boast in anything else, (even something as small as a soccer goal) it is sin. And it is so easy to commit.
Well, that reflection turned into a longer one than I anticipated! Hopefully it was a blessing to you and causes you to do some reflecting of your own. Thanks for listening, and don't worry, not every one of these posts will be this long or written about my whole entire day.
Enjoy your sweet Saturday!