Monday, February 7, 2011

Math with Miss Michelle

Taught my kindergarden lesson today in the public school system of Des Moines.

There were 25 sweet, crazy, diverse, huggable little students in that classroom. I was so blessed to teach with those particular kids. Wish I could list them all by name and say the things that struck me about each one of them (if that would be legal??... :-)

Instead, I'll just tell the moment that really cracked me up today. I was helping one student with a "2+4=6" math problem on his worksheet and the kid across the table from him looked up at me with wide eyes and said, "You are so smart!.... You're smart like my grandpa is smart." I've never been compared to someone's grandfather before. It made me smile.

That, and the fact that half the kids called me "Miss Janell" all sweet and polite-like, and then there was the portion of the class that were thoroughly convinced my name was Michelle, and had no problem blurting it repeatedly from across the room.
After a while I gave up trying to correct them on it. I thought, "Hey c'mon, I'm only here for 3 days anyway."


  1. In all honesty I'm jealous! What an awesome opportunity to teach such fun kids. :D It's true I've never dreamed of being compared to someone's grandpa either, but it sounds like quite the compiment to me. :)

  2. Haha :) Tis the delight of children. It is what Christ talks about when he says child like faith!!! Its simple and easy. We need to follow God like that!


Thanks for sharing with me!