Saturday, February 12, 2011

When Was the Last Time...?

So, I'm back.

I know, I was bound and determined to write a little something every day... I just happened to pick the busiest week ever to try and do it!
This week for the first three days I worked diligently to finish my homework for the week. Then Thursday morning, myself, my professor, and two of my classmates were up before the crack of dawn in order to travel down to a teacher conference for all of Thursday and most of Friday. All I have to say for now is, it was awesome and inspiring.
But I hope to write more about it tomorrow when I can devote more of my focus to this. As of right now, I'm watching a movie with my dad, (one of the many simple joys of being at home :-) so I will just say this thought for the night.

When was the last time you wrote someone an encouragement note? Not a huge deal, but lately I've been rediscovering the power of the written word. And all the more when it is intermingled with the Word of God.
I've been receiving email updates from a certain missionary family who are going through a particularly intense trial right now, and whenever God brings them to mind I pray for them.
But then I thought, how much of a blessing would it be for them to KNOW that? God can prick my heart to write a note at such a perfect time that only He could orchestrate. Think about it. How much time does it really take to sit down and jot out a note? And when you include the ancient, holy, refreshing, enlightening Words of God.... He can use the black scribbles on a page to strengthen and revive a heart.

Ask Him, who is it in your life that that could use the encouragement?
Who is the faithful one who generally goes unnoticed?
Who is going through a particularly rough time in life?
Even someone who does not rub shoulders with you every day.
Someone who won't see it coming.
But who may most need it.

Thanks for reading. I'm going to get back to the movie.... And for the record, I am now back on my blog! (Sorry for letting it go for several consecutive days.)

In Christ's love,


  1. Thats Great Janell, I know what it is like to face a busy week, this next week is ridiculous!! You are so right about encouraging notes. Even on facebook it can be a blessing to get a encouraging post and I so enjoy the ability to give someone an encouraging post for them to read especially when it is someone whose struggle has prevented me from seeing them for awhile.

  2. I hope you have a blessed week, Nick! Guard your time with God in the midst of it all - that's your lifeline to stay on track. Thanks for reading my blog so faithfully and letting me know that you do. It's a real encouragement :-)


Thanks for sharing with me!