Wednesday, February 16, 2011


There have been three separate occasions today when I was seriously tempted to crawl back into bed for a little break from this crazy week. And I don't just mean it was a "fleeting thought." I mean I was resigned to doing it. I was seconds away from making the final decision. But something stopped me just in time, every time. Only by the grace of God did I make it through this day without a nap.

Lately I've been really examining the concept of faithfulness. Faithfulness is showing up where you're supposed to be, when you're supposed to be there. It's being true to your word, and doing everything within your power to keep your promises. A quiet trait - one that doesn't shout and usually goes unnoticed til it's not there - but so vital to the Christian walk. I suppose it could be considered the unsung character trait.

But when you're faithful, you're life is reflecting the very character of God.

"His compassions fail not, they are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:23

Closer to me,
I'm tired and I'm weak,
And every breath within me,
Is longing just to be...
Closer to you,
And I know it won't be long,
Cuz I can hear you in the distance,
Saying you are nearly home.
So let the rain start falling
Where it will.
I will run through this valley,
Just to climb to that hill,
And if they ask why I'm singing,
Though my days may be few,
It's cuz I'm just a day closer
To you.

-Mark Schultz


  1. Good reminder of the importance of being faithful, even in the little things :)


Thanks for sharing with me!